Tuesday, April 19, 2011

8 reasons why having a baby is good for our relationship

When our baby was born, everything went upside down. It was a total 180 degrees turn around for me and for my husband but I think mostly for me. There were a lot of adjustments made - personal, emotional, financial.

Though its not all fun- sleepless nights, dirty diapers and poops, still I cherish having my baby and here is my 8 reasons why having a baby is good for me and my husband. 

Its all because of Nuffnang

I have been applying the lessons from our  Online Mentoring Club. One of the lessons I have come across is about putting ads on your blogs. Since I just applied for Google Adsense, the aim is to find another ad company to put on my blog site. One of the ads mentioned was Nuffnang. 

Xavier Paul at 6 months and growing fast!

I always hear elders say that children grows up so fast and that you should treasure every moment of it, I mostly certainly agree to that. My son is now 6 months old...6 months and 15 days. How time flies. Before I knew it..he will soon be walking and running. How I wish to be with him everyday, every single day so I can personally monitor him. :)